Shaman Master | Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner
Divination Reader | Shaman and Spiritual Mentor
Long story short, I was born an outcast. My family lineage was kept a secret from me so therefore, I was unaware of my generational gifts and powers. Growing up, I learned to figure things out on my own, and I continue to learn more every day. As a child, I had a knack for reading people, though I didn't realize it was spiritual reading at the time. In 2015, I was told that I had shaman and spirit guides, but I was in denial and avoided them until 2020 when I hit rock bottom. At my lowest point, I found myself for the first time, accepting and embracing my gifts. If only I knew what I've known now, then I would've started this sooner, it has been a heart wrenching yet healing journey. I came out to the public, started guiding people, and eventually began offering shamanic healing services in late 2021. By June 2022, I had reached my master altar and became a spiritual mentor to many, and a master to a select few.
In the late 2023 of last year, I was guided by my spirit guides and the universe to discover Dolores Cannon and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. This is a form of hypnosis technique that she founded in the late 1960’s. There are many benefits and values in this form of therapy that will revolutionize spiritual healing.
A Soulful Healing Journey
Spiritual Healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being: the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.
- Shakti Gawain
Wounds don’t heal the way you want them to, they heal the way they need to. It takes time for wounds to fade into scars. It takes time for the process of healing to take place. Give yourself that time. Give yourself that grace. Be gentle with your wounds.
- Ijeoma Umebinyuo